
Participatory installation

As part of the TAKT laboratory (Chetverg Foundation)

Lines space, St. Petersburg, 2021


Participatory installation

As part of the TAKT laboratory (Chetverg Foundation)

Lines space, St. Petersburg, 2021

The inclusive participatory audiovisual installation “Dreams“ was created in collaboration with artists from the TAKT inclusive laboratory (Vitaly Diventsov, Ksenia Ksevna, Vilgeny Melnikov, Daria Goncharova, Marina Abadzheva, Maria Opotskaya).

While working on the installation, I collected and recorded the most significant dreams for the laboratory participants. Each participant also sketched an image, symbol, or a dream state. All dreams were placed

under a tent, entering which the viewer could sit on a chair and listen, read or view the dreams of the participants. A dream is a direct road to our unconscious. In this installation I show people's dreams as internal work with their unconscious and as a way of communicating with each other. I invite the viewer to immerse himself into the world of dreams and listen to them, like ancient legends or myths, remember his dreams and the symbols that fill them.

Audiovisual installation, abstract painting

Fabric, canvas, acrylic, audio players, headphones, fishing line, fasteners, video player

Size varies. In the photo: 220 x 550